"The Hometown Experts With a World of Experience."
RE/MAX Associates are make their living in the same communities in which they live. They're the people next-door, or just down the block. RE/MAX Associates lead the industry in advanced real estate education and production. That's why they're known as "The Real Estate Leaders" and why no one in the world sells more real estate than RE/MAX.
Customer Satisfaction
The proof of quality service and customer satisfaction is measured by the number of repeat customers and referrals to agents by friends. RE/MAX Sales Associates average 70 percent of their business from repeats and referrals, while agents from other companies only average 30 percent from those sources.
Professional Education
RE/MAX Associates lead agents of competing companies in professional designations that denote specialized training and education. They
dominate the Accredited Buyer Representative (ABR), Certified Relocation Professional (CRP), Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) and Leadership Training Graduate (LTG) ranks.
Maximum Production
Because of their experience and education RE/MAX Associates are better qualified to set the right price for the homes they list, better equipped to
market those homes, and therefore more likely to find a buyer in a shorter period of time. This experience and education also means they are better qualified to find the right home for any buyer. As a result, the average RE/MAX Sales Associate out-produces competing agents three to one. By choosing a RE/MAX Sales Associate you are choosing the person best qualified to handle your real estate needs.